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What to do when the Epson printer keeps blinking all the lights?

Initially it is necessary to know what error your Epson Printer is presenting, for this it is simple to print something and check the error message that appears on your computer or notebook screen, let's go through the steps

1 - Print something anything and check the message that appears in the EPSON monitor status 3

2 - Check if the message that appears is the ink pad is at the end of its life contact with Epson assistance (in this case, it is reset)

3 – If no error appears on your screen, your Epson printer drivers are probably not installed correctly, you will need to download the Drivers from Epson's own page corresponding to your Epson Printer complete the installation and after installation repeat the steps above Print something and check what error message appears on your screen in the Epson monitor 3 status

How to Reset the ink pad on Epson?

The procedure is done in a simple and fast way and does not require much knowledge, and in this case only the computer connected to the internet and the Epson Printer must be connected via USB cable, and your Epson Printer must also be turned on. with the lights on

Now you need to download the program for your Epson Printer. All Epson printers have a program to reset the pad counter, this program is called reset

1 - Download the program sent to your email your registration email on the purchase platform

2 - Activate the program with the key that is in the same email (this key is below the download and tutorial link)

3 - Next to the download button you will find the video tutorial, follow the video tutorial as described

4 - after completing all the reset procedure of your printer, turn off and on the Epson Printer ready reset completed and your printer will be unlocked

What is Epson printer ink pad?

Inside every Epson printer there is a waste collector, this collector is called a pad.

Every time you turn on your printer it starts doing an initial test this initial test also uses the print head and ink jets this unused ink has to go somewhere and that place is the ink pad .

Every time you print something it also cleans it up and more ink is thrown into this pad collector.

There will come a point where this pad will be saturated and to avoid ink leaks in your printer and damage circuit boards in terms of your printer it will lock itself to avoid damage

what needs to be done in this case

Either it is necessary to replace this pad or it is necessary to install a drainage device called a dispenser, after the replacement or installation it is necessary to do the printer reset procedure to reset the internal counter of the pad the same counter that locks your printer, after resetting this counter with a reset program your printer will be unlocked

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